Tooth Pick

by Keith Carey
Buy the Original Painting
102.000 x 51.000 x 4.000 cm.
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Tooth Pick
Keith Carey
Painting - Oil On Canvas
“Tooth Pick” - nyati, African or Cape buffalo , Syncerus caffer caffer.
In Africa there is a saying “Like a wounded buffalo”. Known to ambush a hunter or a pride of lions, they are reported to kill more hunters and lions in Africa than any other animal.
This image is a High Resolution Scan and as close as possible to the original piece. Original Oil Painting #17, Medium : Oil on stretched 100% cotton canvas 380gm. Size 102 cm x 51cm / 5 cm (40 x 20 inch)
Original can be couriered Worldwide Excl. Shipping, either unmounted in postal tube, or boxed, Unframed. Excl: Duties etc. Contact the Artist via email: [email protected]
From a series of Highly sought after collectable series of Original Oil paintings by Keith Carey.
I'm sure you can see this hanging on your board room or living room wall.
October 17th, 2021